B&B Stresa - Alpe Cavallacio - Milani

Parco Pallavicino

phone n. 00390323933478
address: Via Sempione Sud, 8, 28838 Stresa VB

Sul lungolago di Stresa in direzione Belgirate, si estendono i 18 ettari di parco dove l’anima botanica e quella faunistica vivono in armonia.

La gestione Borromeo comincia nel 2017, anno in cui vengono avviati una serie di interventi di recupero e miglioramento degli ambienti dedicati agli animali oltre che dei viali alberati.
Sono ospitate qui oltre 50 specie tra mammiferi e volatili, e hanno nel tempo trovato casa al Parco anche alcuni esemplari selvatici salvati dalla guardia forestale e che non sopravvivrebbero se reimmessi in libertà.

The Parco Pallavicino is famous above all for the over 50 species living here. Many of the animals were already here when the management of the park was taken over by the Borromeos in 2017, such as the zebras, kangaroos, coatis, sarus cranes and flamingos.

Some were added later – the Orobica goats, “Bellavista” mule, alpacas, donkeys, ferrets and Polverara chickens – and others were recovered by veterinarian Uberto Calligarich, who, as well as being responsible for the fauna of the Parco Pallavicino, is also the representative of the Province of Verbano-Cusio-Ossola for the safeguarding of wild animals. Now famous, also thanks to the television programmes attracted by this park, is Fanta the fox, abandoned on the day of its birth by its mother, perhaps after being disturbed by a hunter.

Pallavicino in fact welcomes animals that could no longer survive in their natural habitat, either because they were born in captivity or because abandonment or an incident has caused them permanent traumas.